API Documentation

This is a set of modest utilities that may be helpful when talking to PostgreSQL.


Sometimes things go wrong.

exception normanpg.errors.NormanPgException(message: str, inner: Exception = None)[source]

Bases: Exception

This is the base exception for other exceptions defined in this library.

property inner

Get the exception that caused this exception.

property message

Get the exception message.


This module contains database-level functions.

class normanpg.functions.database.TempSchema(url: str, rand: int = 8, prefix: str = None)[source]

Bases: object

This is a context manager you can use to create a temporary schema.

property prefix

Get the prefix.

property schema_name

Get the schema name.

property url

Get the database URL.

normanpg.functions.database.create_db(url: str, dbname: str, admindb: str = 'postgres')[source]

Create a database on a Postgres instance.

  • url – the database URL

  • dbname – the name of the database

  • admindb – the name of an existing (presumably the main) database

normanpg.functions.database.create_extension(url: str, extension: str, dbname: str = None)[source]

Create (install) an extension in a database.

  • url – the database URL

  • extension – the name of an existing (presumably the main) database

  • dbname – the name of the database

normanpg.functions.database.create_schema(url: str, schema: str, dbname: str = None)[source]

Create a schema in the database.

  • url – the database URL

  • schema – the name of the schema

  • dbname – the name of the database

normanpg.functions.database.db_exists(url: str, dbname: str = None, admindb: str = 'postgres') → bool[source]

Does a given database on a Postgres instance exist?

  • url – the database URL

  • dbname – the name of the database to test

  • admindb – the name of an existing (presumably the main) database


True if the database exists, otherwise False

normanpg.functions.database.drop_schema(url: str, schema: str, dbname: str = None, cascade: bool = True)[source]

Drop a schema in the database.

  • url – the database URL

  • schema – the name of the schema

  • dbname – the name of the database

  • cascadeTrue to drop the schema even if it is not empty, otherwise the attempt fails

normanpg.functions.database.parse_dbname(url: str) → str[source]

Parse the database name from a connection URL.


url – the URL


the database name

normanpg.functions.database.schema_exists(url: str, schema: str = None, dbname: str = None) → bool[source]

Does a given schema exist within a database?

  • url – the database URL

  • schema – the name of the database to test

  • dbname – the name of the database


True if the schema exists, otherwise False

normanpg.functions.database.temp_name(rand: int = 8, prefix: str = None)[source]

Generate a randomized of a specified length and an optional prefix.

  • rand – the number of random characters in the name

  • prefix – the prefix


the randomized name

normanpg.functions.database.touch_db(url: str, dbname: str = None, admindb: str = 'postgres')[source]

Create a database if it does not already exist.

  • url – the database URL

  • dbname – the name of the database

  • admindb – the name of an existing (presumably the main) database


This module contains table-level functions.

exception normanpg.functions.tables.InvalidSrsException(message: str, inner: Exception = None)[source]

Bases: normanpg.errors.NormanPgException

Raised if an attempt is made to reference an invalid spatial reference system (SRS).

exception normanpg.functions.tables.NoGeometryColumn(message: str, inner: Exception = None)[source]

Bases: normanpg.errors.NormanPgException

Raised if an attempt is made to access non-existent geometries.

exception normanpg.functions.tables.TooManyGeometryColumns(message: str, inner: Exception = None)[source]

Bases: normanpg.errors.NormanPgException

Raised if an attempt is made to access a table with multiple geometry columns.

normanpg.functions.tables.geometry_column(cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], table_name: str, schema_name: str) → str[source]

Get the name of the geometry column in a feature table.

  • cnx – an open connection or database connection string

  • table_name – the name of the table

  • schema_name


the name of the geometry column

normanpg.functions.tables.srid(cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], table_name: str, schema_name: str) → int[source]

Get the SRID for geometries in a feature table.

  • cnx – an open connection or database connection string

  • table_name – the name of the table

  • schema_name – the name of the schema in which the table resides


the SRID for geometries in the table

normanpg.functions.tables.table_exists(cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], table_name: str, schema_name: str) → bool[source]
  • cnx – an open connection or database connection string

  • table_name – the name of the table

  • schema_name – the name of the schema in which the table resides


True if the table exists, otherwise False


This module contains conveniences for working with geometries.

normanpg.geometry.shape(obj: str) → shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry[source]

Convert a geometry from Postgres into a Shapely geometry.


obj – the raw geometry retrieved from Postgres (a WKB hex string)


the Shapely geometry


This module needs a description.

normanpg.pg.DEFAULT_ADMIN_DB = 'postgres'

the default administrative database name

normanpg.pg.DEFAULT_PG_PORT = 5432

the default Postgres database port

exception normanpg.pg.InvalidDbResult(message: str, inner: Exception = None)[source]

Bases: normanpg.errors.NormanPgException

Raised in response to an invalid result returned from the database.

normanpg.pg.compose_table(table_name: str, schema_name: str = None) → psycopg2.sql.Composed[source]

Get a composed SQL object for a fully-qualified table name.

  • table_name – the table name

  • schema_name – the schema name


a composed SQL object

normanpg.pg.connect(url: str, dbname: str = None, autocommit: bool = False) → psycopg2.extensions.connection[source]

Get a connection to a Postgres database instance.

  • url – the instance URL

  • dbname – the target database name

  • autocommit – Set the autocommit flag on the connection?


a psycopg2 connection


If the caller does not provide the dbname parameter the function creates a connection to the database specified in the URL.

normanpg.pg.execute(cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], query: Union[str, psycopg2.sql.Composed], caller: str = None)[source]

Execute a query that returns no result.

  • cnx – an open connection or database connection string

  • query – the psycopg2 composed query

  • caller – identifies the caller (for diagnostics)

normanpg.pg.execute_rows(cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], query: Union[str, psycopg2.sql.Composed], caller: str = None) → Iterable[psycopg2.extras.DictRow][source]

Execute a query that returns an iteration of rows.

  • cnx – an open connection or database connection string

  • query – the psycopg2 composed query

  • caller – identifies the caller (for diagnostics)


an iteration of DictRow instances representing the row

normanpg.pg.execute_scalar(cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], query: Union[str, psycopg2.sql.Composed], caller: str = None) → Any[source]

Execute a query that returns a single, scalar result.

  • cnx – an open psycopg2 connection or the database URL

  • query – the psycopg2 composed query

  • caller – identifies the caller (for diagnostics)


the scalar string result (or None if the query returns no result)

normanpg.pg.log_query(crs: psycopg2.extensions.cursor, caller: str, query: str)[source]

Log a SQL query.

  • crs – the execution cursor

  • caller – the caller

  • query – the query