Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Created on 9/22/19 by Pat Blair
.. currentmodule:: pg
.. moduleauthor:: Pat Blair <>

This module needs a description.
import inspect
import logging
from typing import Any, Iterable, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse, ParseResult
import psycopg2.extras
import psycopg2.sql
from psycopg2.sql import SQL
import psycopg2.extensions
from .errors import NormanPgException

__logger__ = logging.getLogger(__name__)  #: the module logger

DEFAULT_ADMIN_DB = 'postgres'  #: the default administrative database name
DEFAULT_PG_PORT: int = 5432  #: the default Postgres database port

[docs]class InvalidDbResult(NormanPgException): """ Raised in response to an invalid result returned from the database. """
[docs]def log_query( crs: psycopg2.extensions.cursor, caller: str, query: str or psycopg2.sql.Composed ): """ Log a SQL query. :param crs: the execution cursor :param caller: the caller :param query: the query """ query_str = query if isinstance(query, str) else query.as_string(crs) __logger__.debug(f'[{caller}] {query_str}')
[docs]def connect( url: str, dbname: str = None, autocommit: bool = False ) -> psycopg2.extensions.connection: """ Get a connection to a Postgres database instance. :param url: the instance URL :param dbname: the target database name :param autocommit: Set the `autocommit` flag on the connection? :return: a psycopg2 connection .. note:: If the caller does not provide the `dbname` parameter the function creates a connection to the database specified in the URL. """ # Parse the URL. (We'll need the pieces to construct a connection # string.) dbp: ParseResult = urlparse(url) # Create a dictionary to hold the arguments for the connection. (We'll # unpack it later.) cnx_opt = { k: v for k, v in { 'host': dbp.hostname, 'port': int(dbp.port) if dbp.port is not None else DEFAULT_PG_PORT, 'database': dbname if dbname is not None else dbp.path[1:], 'user': dbp.username, 'password': dbp.password }.items() if v is not None } cnx = psycopg2.connect(**cnx_opt) # If the caller requested that the 'autocommit' flag be set... if autocommit: # that now. cnx.autocommit = True return cnx
def _execute_scalar( cnx: psycopg2.extensions.connection, query: psycopg2.sql.Composed, caller: str ) -> Any: """ This is a helper function for :py:func:`execute_scalar` that executes a query on an open cursor. :param cnx: an open connection or database connection string :param query: the query :param caller: identifies the call stack location """ with cnx.cursor() as crs: # Log the query. log_query(crs=crs, caller=caller, query=query) # Execute! try: crs.execute(query) except SyntaxError: logging.exception(query.as_string(crs)) raise # Get the first column from the first result. return crs.fetchone()[0]
[docs]def execute_scalar( cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], query: Union[str, psycopg2.sql.Composed], caller: str = None ) -> Any or None: """ Execute a query that returns a single, scalar result. :param cnx: an open psycopg2 connection or the database URL :param query: the `psycopg2` composed query :param caller: identifies the caller (for diagnostics) :return: the scalar string result (or `None` if the query returns no result) """ # Get the name of the calling function so we can include it in the logging # statement. caller = caller if caller else inspect.stack()[1][3] # Make sure the query is `Composed`. _query = ( psycopg2.sql.SQL(query).string if isinstance(query, str) else query ) # If the caller passed us a connection string... if isinstance(cnx, str): # ...get a connection and use the helper method to execute the query. with connect(url=cnx) as _cnx: return _execute_scalar(cnx=_cnx, query=_query, caller=caller) # It looks as though we were given an open connection, so execute the # query on it. return _execute_scalar(cnx=cnx, query=_query, caller=caller)
def _execute_rows( cnx: psycopg2.extensions.connection, query: psycopg2.sql.Composed, caller: str ) -> Iterable[psycopg2.extras.DictRow]: """ This is a helper function for :py:func:`execute_rows` that executes a query on an open cursor. :param cnx: an open connection or database connection string :param query: the query :param caller: identifies the call stack location :return: an iteration of `DictRow` instances representing the rows """ with cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) as crs: # Log the query. log_query(crs=crs, caller=caller, query=query) # Execute! try: crs.execute(query) except SyntaxError: logging.exception(query.as_string(crs)) raise # Fetch the rows and yield them to the caller. for row in crs: yield row
[docs]def execute_rows( cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], query: Union[str, psycopg2.sql.Composed], caller: str = None ) -> Iterable[psycopg2.extras.DictRow]: """ Execute a query that returns an iteration of rows. :param cnx: an open connection or database connection string :param query: the `psycopg2` composed query :param caller: identifies the caller (for diagnostics) :return: an iteration of `DictRow` instances representing the row """ # Get the name of the calling function so we can include it in the logging # statement. caller = caller if caller else inspect.stack()[1][3] # Make sure the query is `Composed`. _query = ( psycopg2.sql.SQL(query).string if isinstance(query, str) else query ) # If the caller passed us a connection string... if isinstance(cnx, str): # ...get a connection and use the helper method to execute the query. with connect(url=cnx) as _cnx: for row in _execute_rows(cnx=_cnx, query=_query, caller=caller): yield row # It looks as though we were given an open connection, so execute the # query on it. for row in _execute_rows(cnx=cnx, query=_query, caller=caller): yield row
def _execute( cnx: psycopg2.extensions.connection, query: psycopg2.sql.Composed, caller: str ): """ This is a helper function for :py:func:`execute` that executes a query on an open cursor. :param cnx: an open connection or database connection string :param query: the query :param caller: identifies the call stack location """ with cnx.cursor() as crs: # Log the query. log_query(crs=crs, caller=caller, query=query) # Execute! try: crs.execute(query) except SyntaxError: logging.exception(query.as_string(crs)) raise
[docs]def execute( cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], query: Union[str, psycopg2.sql.Composed], caller: str = None ): """ Execute a query that returns no result. :param cnx: an open connection or database connection string :param query: the `psycopg2` composed query :param caller: identifies the caller (for diagnostics) .. seealso:: * :py:func:`execute_scalar` * :py:func:`execute_rows` """ # Get the name of the calling function so we can include it in the logging # statement. caller = caller if caller else inspect.stack()[1][3] # Make sure the query is `Composed`. _query = ( psycopg2.sql.SQL(query).string if isinstance(query, str) else query ) # If the caller passed us a connection string... if isinstance(cnx, str): # ...get a connection and use the helper method to execute the query. with connect(url=cnx) as _cnx: _execute(cnx=_cnx, query=_query, caller=caller) # It looks as though we were given an open connection, so execute the # query on it. _execute(cnx=cnx, query=_query, caller=caller)
[docs]def compose_table( table_name: str, schema_name: str = None ) -> psycopg2.sql.Composed: """ Get a composed SQL object for a fully-qualified table name. :param table_name: the table name :param schema_name: the schema name :return: a composed SQL object """ if schema_name is not None: return psycopg2.sql.SQL('{}.{}').format( SQL(schema_name), SQL(table_name) ) return SQL('{}').format(SQL(table_name))